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malonn 07-18-2019 08:19 PM

How Can I Get More HP from My 2.5L
I'm looking to squeeze out some HP and torque from my 2.5L on my '01 XLT regular cab. Right off the bat I'll say I don't want a turbo/super charger. That's too much money because of the extra work that needs to be done to the engine, not to mention all that needs to be done to buy and install the charger. Other than that, I'm looking for any and all suggestions. I just want more power. More air? Larger exhaust pipes? High flow cat? I don't know, but hope you all do. Computer tuning? I've said what I know.

I want actual results, however. No snake oil stuff. A forum member here said that a cold air intake is a waste of money. If that's true, that's helpful. Don't drop $300 on something that will not give you HP.

Help me out fellow Ranger owners.

RonD 07-18-2019 11:42 PM

Ford already did the upgrade, they stroked the 2.3l Lima to get your 2.5l Lima a bit more HP, late model 2.3l averaged 110HP, 2.5l 120HP
So anything to read about the 2.3l SOHC Lima engine applies to your 2.5l SOHC engine, same block, head and pistons

The Lima engine was designed in the early 1970's, first used in the 1974 Pinto, so its nick named "Pinto Engine"
The 2.3l Lima was also used in the 1975 and up Mustangs, so Mustang forums are good places to get "advice" on Lima engine upgrades, although there really is not much

Its 1970's technology so can't do what 2000's 4cyl engine designs can do, power wise
2.5l is a heavy engine, so very low power to weight ratio

The 2.3l Duratec, in 2002 and up Rangers was 140HP, late 1990's design engine

The 2.3l Ecoboost in 2019 Mustang boasts 310HP, these are used in the 2019 Ranger, at 270HP

So thats is what you are up against, old technology.

One thing that will give you more HP and better MPG is switching to an electric radiator fan
The mechanical fan pulls HP and MPG down because its "on" all the time
E-fan is only on when needed
It is not "sexy" and it ain't much power, but it ain't 0 either

malonn 07-19-2019 07:45 AM

Hm not good news, RonD. I guess a turbo/super charger would be my best bet. Crap--that means new fuel injectors, maybe pistons, perhaps a sensor or two, computer adjustments... is it worth it? I'd probably replace the full exhaust starting from the header too.

I will get an electric fan. You had mentioned that in another thread.

So, what's everybody's thoughts on turbo (super) charging this engine?

doss 10-16-2019 09:55 PM

A couple of things you can do to make sure you are actually getting the HP you are entitled to: Make sure you've got all the carbon out of your engine. K&N air filter. Good plugs, wires, and coils. I'm sure there are lots of other things, but basically a well-tuned ranger...

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